What's this Blog All About......?

I started this blog back when I was planning my first trip to Egypt in early 2011. I thought what an interesting way to share my experiences, keep my friends and family informed of my whereabouts and receive feedback from back home.

I've now travelled to Egypt many times and I hope my adventures in this beautiful and wonderful country are of interest and liking to all of you. Please comment and let me know what your thoughts and ideas are on what you see....I'd love to hear from you......!!

Redheaded Lady

Friday, August 23, 2013

Egyptian People.....

 In my trips to Egypt I’ve met and interacted with many people. Some have become friends, others have turned out to be business partners and others just very interesting characters along the way ! 

Streets of Luxor
Today I’ll write and show you pictures of these interesting people, how they dress, what they do ,so you get to see the activities in the daily life of an Egyptian. 

Of course, by now you all know and have seen pictures of Mohamed and his family.  Mohamed, tour guide extraordinaire, negotiator, translator anddddddd, the Formula 400 driver that transports me from one place to another through the streets of Cairo faster than “Beam me up Scotty” would.  It is an adventure riding in the car with him! I first met Mohamed on my first trip to Egypt and he has become indispensable to me.  Amira his wife is always so helpful and excellent cook and his children Yara and Youssef are adorable!
Youssef and Yara

Then there is the rebel, protector of the underdog and injustice, spiritual being and ambassador to Luxor and Egypt, Marie “Mara” Vaughan.  Mara is the owner of Mara’s House in Luxor of which I have shown you pictures of her beautiful hotel. 
Mara tweeting away!
Amr and I waiting for our taxi
For an experience of Egyptian living and life, you need to stay at her place. She is a wealth of knowledge and information on ancient and current Egyptian history.  Her trusty right hand man Amr is also very helpful; someone that helps keep Mara’s House organized and the guests well fed as he’s an excellent cook!
Visiting Samar and her new baby nephew Oday

In Cairo, there is Raghda one of my jewelry makers.  Raghda is getting married in October and in the middle of finishing my orders! The money she is making on my order is what is financing her wedding and honeymoon to Thailand! 
She is funny and loves to know everything about the US! Her fiancée Mustafa escorts us to the market all the time and helps carry all the bags of the beads and materials.  I was about to carry one of the bags one time and she said to me “my dear, do not worry about that , Mustafa is here for that”…LMAO…I thought..oh boy, Mustafa doesn’t know what he’s getting into.!!

Morning begins with a trip to the bakery to pick up your fresh bread and items for breakfast.
These gigantic bread things that look like pretzels are call simit. But they are delicious ! That and a cup of coffee or tea and you're ready to go!

Grocery shopping for the week is more for the westerners; people here purchase things daily or for just a few days.  So you see the fruit and vegetables sellers, the bakers, people up and about cleaning the front of their shops.  And of course the never-ending car horns!

Now Egyptian men wear a variety of clothes from the long robes to regular modern clothing like jeans and a t-Shirt. Women typically are wearing the traditional muslim clothing of long sleeve and long skirts with their hair covered.  Poor things, it was 104 when I left Luxor and I can’t imagine being dressed like that and out and about.  I would melt!!! 

You do see some women without the “hijab” the head covering but those are usually Christians, foreigners or the high & upper middle class women wearing them. 

Buying Spices for the kitchen

So to conclude here are some pictures of just daily scenes from Cairo and Luxor…and a funny video of Amr trying to move a donkey out of the way for our car to move!...lol..

Enjoy and please leave your comments and feedback. I love to hear from you!


  1. Love the inside aspect of the culture and beauty of the Egyptian people about their every day life! Beautiful Children!

  2. Thanks! More stories to tell soon...:)

  3. Loved it just came across your page looking for Egyptian Dividers. Wondering how are you? Please post more - Facebook Therese SiSi. Thanks
