What's this Blog All About......?

I started this blog back when I was planning my first trip to Egypt in early 2011. I thought what an interesting way to share my experiences, keep my friends and family informed of my whereabouts and receive feedback from back home.

I've now travelled to Egypt many times and I hope my adventures in this beautiful and wonderful country are of interest and liking to all of you. Please comment and let me know what your thoughts and ideas are on what you see....I'd love to hear from you......!!

Redheaded Lady

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Amoura Tours is launched ! Welcome to Egypt March - April , 2017

So what have I been saying for years now (those that know me!)...... yes, Egypt is safe, no I'm not crazy for traveling to Egypt alone, yes you will have a magnificent time and memories for a lifetime, yes the pyramids are as fantastic as you imagine them....etc. etc. etc.

Now you don't have to believe me... you can ask several other people too!!  This past couple of weeks I finally convinced a group of friends and their family to come and experience the Egypt I've come to know and love.
And I believe I accomplished my goal....to make it a memorable and fascinating trip for all of them.!  Ask them about their time in Egypt !! 

 This trip coordination began back in October of 2016 and through my contact in Egypt the itinerary was planned out.  I worked closely with someone I met on my first visit to Egypt that owns a boutique hotel down in Luxor and she also does tours in Cairo and in the Luxor/Aswan area.
Partnering with her, we looked at the locations, places to see, accommodations and all the things you need to know when planning a group trip in two languages. The details are many but I believe it was worth it in order to anticipate your guests comfort and most enjoyable experience.  

The tour is 12 days but in reality you spend 2 days just flying in and out. So it was 10 days of non-stop places to see, things to do, shopping, photo taking and just a wealth of knowledge and information to soak in.
The Nile River in Aswan
  It was exhausting to say the least and I believe many of my guests did not imagine the amount of things they would see and maybe even underestimated how tired they would be at the end of the day. Regardless, I'm sure all of them will say it was truly an amazing trip.  I have so many photos to share that I could write several posts and still not be able to share them all.  I'll try my best to share as many as I can and do several postings of places we went and things we did. 

For now enjoy some of the places we ventured into and Please....leave comments and feedback about what you've read, the photos and for those of you that went , your experiences with Amoura Tours.  Remember to check out our website www.amouratours.com to see our itinerary and lots more photos !

Always....Life is Good....
The Traveling Redheaded Lady

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