What's this Blog All About......?

I started this blog back when I was planning my first trip to Egypt in early 2011. I thought what an interesting way to share my experiences, keep my friends and family informed of my whereabouts and receive feedback from back home.

I've now travelled to Egypt many times and I hope my adventures in this beautiful and wonderful country are of interest and liking to all of you. Please comment and let me know what your thoughts and ideas are on what you see....I'd love to hear from you......!!

Redheaded Lady

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Such wonderful sites to see in Egypt... not just in Cairo! April 7, 2017

Kom Ombo to visit the Temple of Light and Dark

Oldest standing obelisk
 at Karnak Temple
Cairo is but the tip of the iceberg if you are looking for history, culture, legends, myth and monuments in Egypt.  There is so much more in the southern part of Egypt or Upper Egypt as it is known, to see, experience and feel.

Most people when they think of Egypt think of the pyramids and although yes, they are incredibly magnificent there is also a lot more to see in Luxor, Aswan and the islands and villages just off  the Nile River that are also incredibly beautiful and amazing.

Medinet Habu Temple
Take Luxor for example, the place where Karnak (the 2nd largest ancient religious site in the world) and Luxor Temple reside, the Colossi of Memnon, the Valley of the Kings (where King Tut's tomb and mummy reside), the Valley of the Queens, Hatshepsut Temple, Workers Village, the Noble's tombs......and more.
                   See what I mean? 

Then if you sail down the Nile River, you will need to see the Temple of Horus at Edfu, considered to be one of the best preserved shrines and dedicated to the falcon god Horus. In the same area is  Kom Ombo, the Temple of Light and Dark.
Temple of Horus at Edfu

Sail further south on the Nile while watching the amazing scenery change and you will arrive at Aswan, where the most stunning views of the Nile are to be seen. The further south you sail the more peaceful and breathtaking sites you will see.

The beautiful Nile River from
the Temple of Isis at Philae
First stop is the Temple of Isis at Philae, or also known as the Temple of Love as Isis was the Goddess of Love. This temple, like Abu Simble, was moved from its original place stone by stone in an incredible feat of engineering technology when the Aswan Dam was built and the temples were in danger of being submerged by the waters of the Nile.  They now stand magnificent for all the world to see.  The temple of Isis sits on an island in Lake Nasser. The views of the Lake are stunning and peace reins through the corridors of the temple.  The engravings and hieroglyphics are still amazingly visible to see and touch.

Nubian Village
For me, one of the best surprises of this sailing down the Nile was the Nubian Village,  a place that almost takes you back in time.  The colorful houses, unique spices and friendly and warm people remind you of how life on the Nile existed hundreds and thousands of years ago.  The Nubians live a simple life in old traditional ways, love to have guests in their village and entice you with their beautiful handmade items.
The Nile River off the
banks of the Nubian Village
Here is where the clearest waters of the Nile are seen.  I could have spent hours here just exploring the village and market. I definitely plan to be back.

Nubian Village

So when you think of Egypt, think beyond the pyramids, beyond just those majestic ancient wonders in the desert.  Think of all the other remarkable structures, temples, tombs and history ready to be explored beyond the sands of Cairo. 

Shores at the Nubian Village

As Always,

Traveling Redheaded Lady